BALNIBARBI Co., Ltd: an expanding reality thanks to the nicest Bel Paese.
The Balnibarbi group was born in September 1991 in Tokyo, where its headquarters is located but it has been expanding throughout the main cities of Japan, both east (Tokyo, Chiba, Kanagawa) and west (Osaka, Kyoto, Shiga, Kagoshima, Fukuoka) for 23 years activities, coming up to manage more than 70 shops between restaurants, pizzerias, pastry shops, bars and hotels. At its top there is Hirohisa Sato, an eclectic and brilliant businessman who leads this restaurant empire, which has been able to increase the group sales from ¥2,729 billion (about €21.130.000) of July 2010 to ¥5,950 billion (about €46.067.000) of July 2014.
Today its substantial capital stock amounts to ¥400,770,000.
Balnibarbi’s revenue comes mainly from restaurant planning and management activities, requalification of idle businesses, commercial and services planning and developing activities in general. In more than 20 years story, Balnibarbi Group can claim to have an amazing skill: the one of making “bad locations”, areas with a high hidden potential yet not so sought after, the next hot spot in the city by establishing there a venue.
That is the spirit that allowed Balnibarbi to enumerate into its group some important realities such as:
– “Patisserie de Paradis”, line group for pastry making;
– “Good Morning Café”, chain of stores offering special wedding packages;
– “Garb”, chain of luxury stores specialized in international cuisine, especially Italian and French ones.
Along with them, a crowd of Italian pizzerias and restaurant, a sort of catering Little Italy, are the real witnesses of how much Italy is actually loved in Japan, where the attention to details and the respect for traditions drive each store to look for 100% Made in Italy products.
Attention which brought Balnibarbi Co. to settle even “L’Antica Pizzeria ‘da Michele’” in Tokyo, where pizza is the same both in taste and preparation to that one produced in the Naples base. The opening of “L’Antica Pizzeria ‘da Michele’ Hakata” in Fukuoka in October 2015, according to the activities of “Consorzio Tutela Grana Padano” supported by WJ Network, are just some of the last measures taken by Balnibarbi group for promoting Italy in Japan, creating a new bastion of traditional Neapolitan pizza in the world.
Every Balnibarbi shop represents a chance for Italy and its product. The sale growth recorded in the last years is the mark of how much this group is strong and is growing also thanks to the “Bel Paese” which is being promoted by a great part of its restaurants.
This can make the difference.
BALNIBARBI Co., Ltd: —> visit the site