Press Release
Tesori d’Italia Network launches the fundraising S.O.S.Teniamo l’Italia
to support the Italian companies in front of the Coronavirus emergency
The S.O.S.Teniamo l’Italia initiative (Support Italy), which already involves more than 15 Italian and foreign companies and associations, aims to create a fund to support all those activities, in particular linked to the export and tourism and publishing, which risk closure due to the blockade of the economy and the flows to and from our country.
“We continue to invest in the future but we want to protect the present and, although aware that we won’t be able to help everyone, we will certainly do our part” – here are the words of Riccardo D’Urso, president of the Network and creator of the Campaign – “The adhesion in unison with our partners and many Italian companies it is proof of how Italy is always ready and compact in dealing with emergencies. An extraordinary participation that is spreading like a wave not only for the country but also abroad. We know it is a difficult time for everyone and we are deeply grateful to those who are supporting hospitals and civil protection, but there is also an undergrowth of companies in Italy that today really needs help and, while we give our contribution from one part, it is necessary to take action to give them all the support we can. Because if you do not help the craft and industrial machinery of a country, it undermines its own ability to be generous and do charity”.
Tesori d’Italia asks for help from all the Italian public and from the over 2 million users who follow the Magazine. Just as it brings together its partners and customers in Italy and abroad, so that we can all contribute together, while staying at home, to give oxygen to the many small and medium-sized enterprises that represent the heart of our national heritage and our economy .
S.O.S.Teniamo l’Italia part in Italian, English, French and Japanese and has as its leader, in Italy, the Non Profit Association Le Mappe dei Tesori d’Italia and, in Japan, the No Profit Association Treasures of Japan. It find the initial push from Tokyo, with the participation of WJNetwork, the W’Japan Co., Ltd., the Nagoya New Road International Co., Ltd. and other important groups of the Rising Sun; While in Italy it is supported by d’Urso International Management srl, Lest Group, High Quality Italy srl, Orange Media srl, MGM Alimentari, FeelingFood Milano, Cantine Menegolli, Wine Was srl, Caffè Moreno, Consorzio della Mandorla di Avola, Amaronna, Azienda Agricola Mastrangelo, Casale Giancesare, Toffini Academy, Studio Legale Internazionale LabLaw and many other companies that are organizing their adhesion.
There are 2 objectives:
- A fundraiser for the financing of projects to support businesses;
- A collection of products to be marketed online for the relaunch of Made in Italy exports.
It is therefore possible to join:
- with an economic contribution to be paid directly to the current account of the Association Le Mappe dei Tesori d’Italia IT54S0306909606100000167020;
- by donating or making Made in Italy products available for sale to the Campaign by writing to direzione@tesoriditalianetwork.it from which you will receive all the necessary information.
Projects that will be financed:
- S.O.S.Teniamo (Support) the Made in Italy, fund to support Export
- S.O.S.Teniamo (Support) the Tourism, fund to support Tourism
- S.O.S.Teniamo (Support) Italian Newsstands, fund to support Italian Newsstands
At the time of donation, in order to ensure total transparency, the option chosen from Export, Tourism and Publishing must be specified in the subject. Donations without specification will go to the general Export fund.
Tesori d’Italia will dedicate to the Campaign its web portals and the E-commerce platform, which will be launched and structured specifically to support national and international product marketing. The international freight forwarder Shenker was chosen as a partner for the logistics and storage of merchandise, and he joined the Campaign by making his warehouses available free.
Tesori d’Italia will immediately act on the territory by investing the proceeds from the fundraiser already from the achievement of the first programmed thresholds. It will act as spokesperson and guarantor for local institutions and credit institutes so that, pending the application of the important government procedures launched, we can quickly organize ourselves to meet entrepreneurs in difficulty and save their businesses.
The calendar of scheduled interventions or those carried out in the area will be published, as well as the relative funds used for each project. Each action will be followed by an update on its actual usefulness and the possibility of following it up.
Initiative organized by
Tesori of Japan, WJNetwork, W’Japan Co., Ltd., Nagoya New Road International Co., Ltd., d’Urso International Management srl, High Quality Italy srl, Lest Group
Orange Media srl, MGM Alimentari, FeelingFood Milano, Cantine Menegolli, Wine Was srl, Consorzio della Mandorla di Avola, Amaronna, Azienda Agricola Mastrangelo, Toffini Academy, Studio Legale Internazionale LabLaw, Caffè Moreno, Casale Giancesare